French Language
System Navigation

A woman in a blue shirt with short brown hair and glasses standing outside.

The Chigamik French Language System (FLS) Navigator will help you access the services of French-speaking health and community professionals offered in North Simcoe Muskoka. If you’re having difficulties in the areas of health, food, money, housing, education, employment, mental health, and more, and you’re seeking a connection with others who speak French, please reach out to the FLS Navigator. If we cannot find the services you need in your community, you will be linked with French-speaking professionals using the Ontario Telemedicine Network services.

French Language System Navigator services include:

  • Consultations to support you and /or your family’s health needs, taking into account your cultural and linguistic preferences
  • The development of an individualized plan of care
  • Linkages to appropriate healthcare and other support services
  • Follow-up services to ensure ongoing care and support

By gaining the support of and working with a variety of local French-speaking organizations and healthcare professionals, this service aims to develop a support network for delivering services and building links to provide clients with continuing care.

How To Book An Appointment

French Language System Navigation services are offered to residents who live in the North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN catchment area.

If you or your client need access to a French Language System Navigator, please fill out the referral form below.

A woman hugging a baby and a second woman hugging both the woman and the baby.

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A woman hugging a baby and a second woman hugging both the woman and the baby.

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Important Notice

Click here to read our spring program guide. All programs are free and open to everyone.

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Cliquez ici pour lire notre guide des programmes du printemps. Tous les programmes sont gratuits et ouverts à tous.

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